Source code for mirai_core.models.message

from enum import Enum
from pydantic import BaseModel
from abc import abstractmethod
from enum import Enum
from typing import List, Dict, Optional, overload, Iterable, Union
from pydantic import Field, validator, HttpUrl, BaseModel
from pydantic.generics import GenericModel
from pathlib import Path
import datetime
from collections import MutableSequence

__all__ = [

[docs]class MessageComponentTypes(Enum): Source = "Source" Plain = "Plain" Face = "Face" At = "At" AtAll = "AtAll" Image = "Image" Quote = "Quote" Xml = "Xml" Json = "Json" App = "App" Unknown = "Unknown"
[docs]class BaseMessageComponent(BaseModel): type: MessageComponentTypes def __str__(self): """ for plain text extraction :return: human readable text component """ return ''
# original text copied from Tim qq_emoji_text_list = { 0: '[惊讶]', 1: '[撇嘴]', 2: '[色]', 3: '[发呆]', 4: '[得意]', 5: '[流泪]', 6: '[害羞]', 7: '[闭嘴]', 8: '[睡]', 9: '[大哭]', 10: '[尴尬]', 11: '[发怒]', 12: '[调皮]', 13: '[呲牙]', 14: '[微笑]', 15: '[难过]', 16: '[酷]', 17: '[Empty]', 18: '[抓狂]', 19: '[吐]', 20: '[偷笑]', 21: '[可爱]', 22: '[白眼]', 23: '[傲慢]', 24: '[饥饿]', 25: '[困]', 26: '[惊恐]', 27: '[流汗]', 28: '[憨笑]', 29: '[悠闲]', 30: '[奋斗]', 31: '[咒骂]', 32: '[疑问]', 33: '[嘘]', 34: '[晕]', 35: '[折磨]', 36: '[衰]', 37: '[骷髅]', 38: '[敲打]', 39: '[再见]', 40: '[Empty]', 41: '[发抖]', 42: '[爱情]', 43: '[跳跳]', 44: '[Empty]', 45: '[Empty]', 46: '[猪头]', 47: '[Empty]', 48: '[Empty]', 49: '[拥抱]', 50: '[Empty]', 51: '[Empty]', 52: '[Empty]', 53: '[蛋糕]', 54: '[闪电]', 55: '[炸弹]', 56: '[刀]', 57: '[足球]', 58: '[Empty]', 59: '[便便]', 60: '[咖啡]', 61: '[饭]', 62: '[Empty]', 63: '[玫瑰]', 64: '[凋谢]', 65: '[Empty]', 66: '[爱心]', 67: '[心碎]', 68: '[Empty]', 69: '[礼物]', 70: '[Empty]', 71: '[Empty]', 72: '[Empty]', 73: '[Empty]', 74: '[太阳]', 75: '[月亮]', 76: '[赞]', 77: '[踩]', 78: '[握手]', 79: '[胜利]', 80: '[Empty]', 81: '[Empty]', 82: '[Empty]', 83: '[Empty]', 84: '[Empty]', 85: '[飞吻]', 86: '[怄火]', 87: '[Empty]', 88: '[Empty]', 89: '[西瓜]', 90: '[Empty]', 91: '[Empty]', 92: '[Empty]', 93: '[Empty]', 94: '[Empty]', 95: '[Empty]', 96: '[冷汗]', 97: '[擦汗]', 98: '[抠鼻]', 99: '[鼓掌]', 100: '[糗大了]', 101: '[坏笑]', 102: '[左哼哼]', 103: '[右哼哼]', 104: '[哈欠]', 105: '[鄙视]', 106: '[委屈]', 107: '[快哭了]', 108: '[阴险]', 109: '[亲亲]', 110: '[吓]', 111: '[可怜]', 112: '[菜刀]', 113: '[啤酒]', 114: '[篮球]', 115: '[乒乓]', 116: '[示爱]', 117: '[瓢虫]', 118: '[抱拳]', 119: '[勾引]', 120: '[拳头]', 121: '[差劲]', 122: '[爱你]', 123: '[NO]', 124: '[OK]', 125: '[转圈]', 126: '[磕头]', 127: '[回头]', 128: '[跳绳]', 129: '[挥手]', 130: '[激动]', 131: '[街舞]', 132: '[献吻]', 133: '[左太极]', 134: '[右太极]', 135: '[Empty]', 136: '[双喜]', 137: '[鞭炮]', 138: '[灯笼]', 139: '[发财]', 140: '[K歌]', 141: '[购物]', 142: '[邮件]', 143: '[帅]', 144: '[喝彩]', 145: '[祈祷]', 146: '[爆筋]', 147: '[棒棒糖]', 148: '[喝奶]', 149: '[下面]', 150: '[香蕉]', 151: '[飞机]', 152: '[开车]', 153: '[高铁左车头]', 154: '[车厢]', 155: '[高铁右车头]', 156: '[多云]', 157: '[下雨]', 158: '[钞票]', 159: '[熊猫]', 160: '[灯泡]', 161: '[风车]', 162: '[闹钟]', 163: '[打伞]', 164: '[彩球]', 165: '[钻戒]', 166: '[沙发]', 167: '[纸巾]', 168: '[药]', 169: '[手枪]', 170: '[青蛙]', 171: '[茶]', 172: '[眨眼睛]', 173: '[泪奔]', 174: '[无奈]', 175: '[卖萌]', 176: '[小纠结]', 177: '[喷血]', 178: '[斜眼笑]', 179: '[doge]', 180: '[惊喜]', 181: '[骚扰]', 182: '[笑哭]', 183: '[我最美]', 184: '[河蟹]', 185: '[羊驼]', 186: '[Empty]', 187: '[幽灵]', 188: '[蛋]', 189: '[Empty]', 190: '[菊花]', 191: '[Empty]', 192: '[红包]', 193: '[大笑]', 194: '[不开心]', 195: '[Empty]', 196: '[Empty]', 197: '[冷漠]', 198: '[呃]', 199: '[好棒]', 200: '[拜托]', 201: '[点赞]', 202: '[无聊]', 203: '[托脸]', 204: '[吃]', 205: '[送花]', 206: '[害怕]', 207: '[花痴]', 208: '[小样儿]', 209: '[Empty]', 210: '[飙泪]', 211: '[我不看]', 212: '[托腮]', 213: '[Empty]', 214: '[啵啵]', 215: '[糊脸]', 216: '[拍头]', 217: '[扯一扯]', 218: '[舔一舔]', 219: '[蹭一蹭]', 220: '[拽炸天]', 221: '[顶呱呱]', 222: '[抱抱]', 223: '[暴击]', 224: '[开枪]', 225: '[撩一撩]', 226: '[拍桌]', 227: '[拍手]', 228: '[恭喜]', 229: '[干杯]', 230: '[嘲讽]', 231: '[哼]', 232: '[佛系]', 233: '[掐一掐]', 234: '[惊呆]', 235: '[颤抖]', 236: '[啃头]', 237: '[偷看]', 238: '[扇脸]', 239: '[原谅]', 240: '[喷脸]', 241: '[生日快乐]', 242: '[Empty]', 243: '[Empty]', 244: '[Empty]', 245: '[Empty]', 246: '[Empty]', 247: '[Empty]', 248: '[Empty]', 249: '[Empty]', 250: '[Empty]', 251: '[Empty]', 252: '[Empty]', 253: '[Empty]', 254: '[Empty]', 255: '[Empty]', }
[docs]class MessageChain(BaseModel, MutableSequence): # stores the actual components __root__: List[BaseMessageComponent] = []
[docs] def insert(self, index: int, object) -> None: self.__root__.insert(index, object)
@overload @abstractmethod def __setitem__(self, i: int, o) -> None: ... @overload @abstractmethod def __setitem__(self, s: slice, o: Iterable) -> None: ... def __setitem__(self, i: int, o) -> None: self.__root__.__setitem__(i, o) @overload @abstractmethod def __delitem__(self, i: int) -> None: ... @overload @abstractmethod def __delitem__(self, i: slice) -> None: ... def __delitem__(self, i: int) -> None: self.__root__.__delitem__(i) def __add__(self, value): # merge two message chain or append one component if isinstance(value, BaseMessageComponent): self.__root__.append(value) return self elif isinstance(value, MessageChain): self.__root__ += value.__root__ return self def __str__(self) -> str: return ''.join([str(i) for i in self.__root__])
[docs] @classmethod def custom_parse(cls, value: List[Dict]) -> 'MessageChain': """ construct message chain from dict used only when receiving messages from mirai :param value: dict contains message components :return: MessageChain """ for i in value: if not isinstance(i, dict): raise TypeError("invaild value") return cls(__root__=[ComponentTypes.__members__[m['type']].value(**m) for m in value])
def __iter__(self): return self.__root__.__iter__() def __getitem__(self, index): return self.__root__.__getitem__(index)
[docs] def has(self, component_class) -> bool: """ test if any item in MessageChain is component_class :param component_class: the class for the component :return: boolean """ for i in self: if isinstance(i, component_class): return True else: return False
def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.__root__)
[docs] def get_first(self, component_class) -> Optional[BaseMessageComponent]: """ Get the first component with component_class :param component_class: the class for the component :return: None or the component """ for i in self.__root__: if isinstance(i, component_class): return i
[docs] def get_all(self, component_class) -> List[BaseMessageComponent]: return [i for i in self.__root__ if isinstance(i, component_class)]
[docs] def get_source(self) -> 'Source': result = self.get_first(Source) assert isinstance(result, Source) return result
[docs] def get_quote(self) -> 'Quote': result = self.get_first(Quote) if result: assert isinstance(result, Quote) return result
[docs]class Source(BaseMessageComponent): """ The source of the message Not a valid component for outbound message """ type = MessageComponentTypes.Source id: int # the message id: higher 32 bits are sequence id, and lower 32 bits are random id time: datetime.datetime # the timestamp the message was sent def __str__(self): return '' def __repr__(self): return f'[Source: id={}, time={self.time}]'
[docs]class Plain(BaseMessageComponent): """ Text component Available for outbound message """ type = MessageComponentTypes.Plain text: str # text content def __init__(self, text: str, **kwargs): """ Construct text component :param text: message text """ super().__init__(text=text, **kwargs) def __str__(self): return self.text def __repr__(self): return f'[Plain: {self.text}]'
[docs]class Quote(BaseMessageComponent): """ Quote component Not a valid component for outbound message """ type = MessageComponentTypes.Quote id: int # origin message id groupId: int # origin group id senderId: int # origin sender id origin: MessageChain # origin message (Source and other content without Quote) def __str__(self): return '' def __repr__(self): return f'[Quote: id={}]'
[docs]class At(GenericModel, BaseMessageComponent): """ At component Available for outbound message """ type = MessageComponentTypes.At target: int # target qq number display: str # display name (only used for inbound at), '@' already included def __init__(self, target, **kwargs): """ Construct at component :param target: target qq number """ super().__init__(target=target, **kwargs) def __str__(self): return self.display def __repr__(self): return f'[At: target={}, display={self.display}]'
[docs]class AtAll(BaseMessageComponent): """ AtAll component Available for outbound message """ type = MessageComponentTypes.AtAll def __str__(self): return '@All' def __repr__(self): return f'[AtAll]'
[docs]class Face(BaseMessageComponent): """ Face component Available for outbound message """ type = MessageComponentTypes.Face faceId: int # face id, see qq_emoji_text_list for details def __init__(self, face_id, **kwargs): """ Construct Face component :param face_id: unsigned 8-bit face id """ super().__init__(faceId=face_id, **kwargs) def __str__(self): return qq_emoji_text_list[self.faceId] def __repr__(self): return f'[Face: id={self.faceId}, {qq_emoji_text_list[self.faceId]}]'
[docs]class Image(BaseMessageComponent): """ Received image component Available for outbound message """ type = MessageComponentTypes.Image imageId: str url: Optional[HttpUrl] = None def __init__(self, imageId, **kwargs): """ Construct Image from mirai styled uuid :param imageId: uuid as str (see """ super().__init__(imageId=imageId, **kwargs) def __str__(self): return '' def __repr__(self): return f'[Image: {self.imageId}]' @property def image_type(self): """ get image type from pattern :return: 'friend' or 'group', if uuid is invalid format, return 'unknown' """ if self.imageId.startswith('/'): return 'friend' elif self.imageId.startswith('{'): return 'group' else: 'unknown'
[docs]class LocalImage: """ Local image component Available for outbound message """ path: Path # absolute path to image def __init__(self, path=None): """ Construct LocalImage component :param path: absolute path on disk """ if isinstance(path, str): self.path = Path(path) elif isinstance(path, Path): self.path = path
class Xml(BaseMessageComponent): """ Xml component Available for outbound message """ type = MessageComponentTypes.Xml XML: str # xml content def __init__(self, xml: str): """ Construct Xml component :param xml: str contains xml """ super().__init__(XML=xml) class Json(BaseMessageComponent): """ Json component Available for outbound message """ type = MessageComponentTypes.Json Json: dict = Field(..., alias="json") # json content def __init__(self, json: Union[dict, List]): """ Construct Json component :param json: json content """ super().__init__(Json=json) class App(BaseMessageComponent): """ App component Available for outbound message """ type = MessageComponentTypes.App content: str # app content def __init__(self, content: str): """ Construct App component :param content: app content """ super().__init__(content=content)
[docs]class Unknown(BaseMessageComponent): """ Unknown component Not a valid component for outbound message """ type = MessageComponentTypes.Unknown text: str # content in string def __str__(self): return '' def __repr__(self): return '[Unknown]'
[docs]class ComponentTypes(Enum): Plain = Plain Source = Source At = At AtAll = AtAll Face = Face Image = Image Quote = Quote Xml = Xml Json = Json App = App Unknown = Unknown
MessageComponents = { 'At': At, 'AtAll': AtAll, 'Face': Face, 'Plain': Plain, 'Image': Image, 'Source': Source, 'Quote': Quote, 'Xml': Xml, 'Json': Json, 'App': App, 'Unknown': Unknown } class BotMessage(BaseModel): type: str = 'BotMessage' messageId: int class ImageType(Enum): Friend = 'friend' Group = 'group'